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Screaming Mimi lives in Texas with her husband, two girls, and two dogs. When she's not writing she's a domestic goddess who... dabbles in photography. She grew up as a military brat and went on to become a Army wife. She's loyal to a fault and cusses like a sailor when the fancy strikes her. She loves hearing from fans so email her at



Screaming Mimi has blown me away with her second book,
Conquering Fate. You could read this as a stand-alone but
you would get more out of it by reading Submitting To Fate
first. Logan and Bella are the characters in Submitting To
Fate while Henry and Elisabeth are the characters in
Conquering Fate. Henry and Logan are best friends. Henry
owns a security company. When his clients houses are being
robbed, he finds that Elisabeth is the culprit. The reason is to
save her sister. This is not for the young to read. There is sex
and violence in this book. It gets you attention.
Thanks Screaming Mimi


Loved this debut novel by Screaming Mimi! Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I instantly connected with both of the main characters, especially Bella. I love that she is a curvy girl, and that even after everything she has been through, she is still strong enough to stand on her own. I loved everything about Logan and Bella, and the chemistry between the two was HOT! One of my favorite supporting characters was Henry. I can't wait for his story!
If you enjoy erotic romance, I recommend you give this new author a try.

Huge fan of Screaming Mimi. This book just topped (no pun intended) it off. Great plot line, well developed characters, and a wonderfully evil bad guy. And you never quite knew about the three of them until... If I said more, I'd spoil it for you. Suffice it to say that when I need a good read, anytime, this author is where I go. And I was a huge Nora Roberts fan!

Another Book Lover


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